Online Service : Saturday 14:00 – 16:00 PH Time

Unveiling Bible Truths Of Yahweh And Yahshua Messiah

Yahweh’s Word is Truth ” What is truth?

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Yahweh’s Word is Truth ” What is truth?

With these words Pontius Pilate concluded his questioning of Yahshua the Messiah. Even today, many people are asking the same question that Pilate did almost 2,000 years ago. Many no longer believe that there is such a thing as an absolute Truth, which is valid for everyone regardless of age, nationality or cultural background. 

This website is not intended for them, but for those who believe — or at least do not preclude — that that absolute Truth exists. It does not belong to fallible men to arbitrarily determine what that Truth is, what is good and what is evil. Only the infallible, Almighty Yahweh, has the right to determine that. He has revealed that Truth–sometimes personally, sometimes through angels or visions or otherwise–to people He specifically chose to do so.

These people wrote down this revealed Truth in scrolls, which were later compiled into a collection of books known as the Bible.

This website wants to make the Plain Truth clear to all who are open to it.

Only people who love the Truth can be saved!

Our Services

Seven Steps to Eternal Life

Yahweh is Calling you.

Strange but true: Yahweh is not trying now to save the whole world. 


You accept Yahweh’s calling

That is, if you want to receive Yahweh’s free gift of eternal life.

Repentance and Conversion

As your knowledge and understanding of Bible truth increases,

Baptism and laying on of hands

Now that you have converted from your former lifestyle,


With baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit, you begin a marathon or ultra-running race that will last a lifetime.

Endure to the End

It is impossible to endure to the end on your own strength.

Resurrection to Eternal Life

If you have the Holy Spirit in you at the time of your death,

Sabbath Videos

Let’s See Our Latest Videos

“ACTS – Delivering the Truth to the World”

Yahweh is Calling

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Power of Prayer

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Children’s Video: The Kind Purple Woman

Why does the Scriptures talk so much about unpopular topics such as “Submission”? Find out more as we continue our study on “Part 3: Submission”. This will be preceded by Bible Lessons for Children entitled: “The Kind Purple Woman“.

What does the Bible say happens when a person dies?

Gene. 3:19 You shall sweat for your bread, until you return to the earth from which you were taken: dust you are, to dust you return.

Ecclesiastes 3:19-21 For men and beasts meet the same fate. As an animal dies, so also a man dies; they share in the same breath. A man is no better off than an animal, for all is emptiness. Everything goes to the same place, everything is made of dust and everything returns to dust. Who notices that the spirit of a man ascends upwards and that of an animal descends to the earth?

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  • Resurrection to Eternal Life

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  • Endure to the End

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