Online Service : Saturday 14:00 – 16:00 PH Time

Yahweh is calling you

Strange but true: Yahweh is not
trying nowto save the whole world. He is now calling only a small number of people to whom He will give certain powers in a world government under the leadership of His Son Yahshua the Messiah — the Kingdom of Yahweh, which will be established after Yahshua’s return to this earth as King of kings. How does Yahweh call? Usually not through some supernatural, literal voice from heaven, which you can hear with your ears. Well, by making yourself receptive to the Truth, eg through your upbringing or by directing the events in your life, or by making you feel that a creation without a Creator, as the theory of evolution teaches, is pure nonsense. Then He makes sure that you come into contact — usually apparently by chance — with the preaching of His Truth by His faithful servants, via radio, TV, printed matter, Internet or personal contact with His servant. What is the fate of all those people who were not or will not be called during their lifetime? Whoever is not called by Yahweh now — and that is the vast majority of mankind — cannot now be or become a true believer. But that, of course, does not mean that they would be lost forever. They will later, after Yahshua and the saints reign on earth for 1,000 years, be resurrected as flesh-and-blood people who will be in excellent health for several more years, however old or ill they may have been when they died. They will then be taught the Truth and truly understand it. They will then have their first and only chance at salvation. But if you read this, understand it and want to investigate further whether this is all true,

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