Online Service : Saturday 14:00 – 16:00 PH Time

Category: Uncategorized

  • Will I ever see him again?

    1. I loved my father (husband, mother, grandparents, brother, best friend, …) dearly, but he passed away. Will I ever see him again?  Who is better placed than our Heavenly Father Yahweh to answer these and other important life questions? He recorded those answers thousands of years ago in a collection of books known as the Bible. It…

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  • Resurrection to Eternal Life

    If you have the Holy Spirit in you at the time of your death, Yahshua the Messiah will resurrect you to eternal life as a spirit being on the day of His return. Whoever is still alive at the time of Yahshua’s return and has Yahweh’s Spirit, will be changed in an instant into an eternally…

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  • Endure to the End

    It is impossible to endure to the end on your own strength. For this you need Yahweh’s Spirit, which Yahweh gives to those who ask Him and obey Him. The Holy Spirit guides you into all truth, pours out Yahweh’s love into your hearts, grants you faith and repentance, assists you in trials and gives you the…

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  • Overcome

    With baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit, you begin a marathon or ultra-running race that will last a lifetime. The aim of this race is not to beat the other participants, but to keep running in the right direction, at the fastest possible pace, and to overcome all obstacles along the way. These obstacles are: your own…

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  • Baptism and laying on of hands

    Now that you have converted from your former lifestyle, the time has come to make the most important decision of your entire life—the decision to be baptized. Baptism is a complete immersion in water by a servant of Yahweh. Baptism symbolizes the burial of your former “I” in a watery grave, and the entering into a covenant…

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  • Yahweh is calling you

    Strange but true: Yahweh is nottrying nowto save the whole world. He is now calling only a small number of people to whom He will give certain powers in a world government under the leadership of His Son Yahshua the Messiah — the Kingdom of Yahweh, which will be established after Yahshua’s return to this earth…

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  • Hello world!

    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

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