Online Service : Saturday 14:00 – 16:00 PH Time

Repentance and Conversion

As your knowledge and understanding of Bible truth increases, you will at some point come to realize that not only do you need to make some punctual changes in your life, but also that your whole attitude to life has been wrong until now. The driving force in all your life was self-interest: how can I become happy, how can I get a good job and a house with a garden, etc… You had a false elohim (god): yourself! You have not only committed certain sins, but you have also and above all been living in sin all the time. You now know that you are personally guilty of the death of the Creator of heaven and earth, Yahshua the Messiah. For he had to die on the stake to suffer the death penalty for your sins and mine in our place, that we may be reconciled to Yahweh. You now realize that you must radically change your entire life purpose and priorities in this life. You want to repent ofalreadyyour sins. But what is sin? Sin is the transgression of Yahweh’s law. But what law is that? It is on this crucial point that traditional Christianity is completely lost. They mistakenly assume that the Old Testament laws were nailed to the cross along with the Messiah, and that only those laws expressly repeated or instituted in the New Testament are now in effect for true believers. But nothing is less true! After all, Yahshua himself said that He had not come to abolish the law or the prophets, but to fulfill them. The Ten Commandments are the basis of Yahweh’s law. All ten commandments — including the Sabbath commandment! — are still in full force for Christians. Other laws that still apply include the prohibition of eating unclean animals, To the outside world, this is the most striking difference between true believers and traditional Christianity. Since the penalty for unrepented sins is eternal death, it is vital to determine accurately which laws true believers must keep.

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