Online Service : Saturday 14:00 – 16:00 PH Time

You accept Yahweh’s calling

That is, if you want to receive Yahweh’s free gift of eternal life. For Yahweh will not force everlasting life upon anyone against his will, not in heaven, not on earth, and certainly not in an ever-burning hellfire. Yahweh has given man free will, and He respects that free will at all times — even when we make the wrong choice. But make no mistake, Yahweh is not mocked. Whoever makes the wrong choice by rejecting the Truth and Yahweh’s calling will have to pay the consequences. Whoever rejects the Truth also rejects Yahweh’s standards of good and evil, and thus inevitably chooses sin. And every sin one commits automatically brings bad consequences. How do you accept Yahweh’s calling? By hungering and thirsting for the Truth. By diligently and thoroughly examining whether the message you are reading, hearing, or seeing is fully consistent with the Bible and actually believing that message if it is. And most importantly, whenever you discover that you are doing certain things wrong in your life, make the necessary changes. Normally at this stage you will begin to attend weekly Sabbath services.

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